Al Zahra: Muharram 1445 | Sheikh Muhammad Asad Dharsi

O God! Surely you know that whatever we did was not a competition to gain worldly positions and not for the worthless physical attractions of the world. But to show the signs of religious ways and to remove corruption from your lands so that the oppressed feel secure and act according to your traditions and rules.Imam Hussein AS. 

Salaam Alaykum 

On behalf of the Al Zahra board, officers, volunteers and all community members, we send our deepest condolences to our Awaited, the twelfth Imam, Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Reappearance), and the Muslim Ummah on this most tragic event of Karbala.

Al Zahra Shia Association of Waterloo Region has organized Majalis to commemorate this tragedy from the last day of Dhil Hijja until the 12th of Muharram 1445 AH.

Renowned scholar Sheikh Mohammad Asad Dharsi will address these Majalis. Shk Asad is a religion, sciences and humanities student with a considerable interest in their confluence: Islamic education – its theory and practice. 

With an international upbringing and experience with diverse cultures and linguistic traditions, he has formally completed undergraduate and postgraduate studies towards a B.Sc, B.Ed and a BA, recently an MA in Islamic jurisprudence and legal studies with a specialization in Qur’anic sciences and exegesis. 

His professional life includes a career as a biochemist, K-12 educator in both public and independent school systems, family, youth and child mentor, camp director, weekend school principal, and seasonal lecturer at the Hawza Ilmiyyah. Currently, he is serving as the Principal of the newly established Al-Mustafa School in Surrey, BC. He is a father of four (at home), forty kids (at School), and many worldwide.

Majalis will be held as per the following schedule:

Islamic Date: Last day of Dhil Hijja to day of Muharram 12

Gregorian Date: July 18th to July 30th 


Majalis Start Time: 

  • 29 Dhil Hijja to 5th Muharram (July 18 – July 23): 7:00 PM

  • Day of 6th  until 9th Muharram (July 24-27) onwards: 6:45 PM

  • The Shabedari (night) Program on the eve of the 10th of Muharram is scheduled in addition to the regular day program. 

  • Day of Ashur, July 28th, starting with amaal, salah and majlis 

  • Shaam e Gareeban, the night of loneliness, July 28, after Magribain Eve of 11th Muharram. 

  • Last majlis with Shk Asad Dharsi on the 12th of Muharram, July 30th

Live Al Zahra Broadcast: 

Recitation Signup:

Please sign up in advance to help us in the planning of Majalis. 


Al-Zahra Shia Association, Waterloo Region