Muharram Majalis will be held as per the following schedule:
Islamic Date: Last day of Dhil Hijja to day of Muharram 12
Gregorian Date: July 18th to July 30th
Majalis Start Time:
• 29 Dhil Hijja to 5th Muharram (July 18 – July 23): 7:00 PM
• Day of 6th until 9th Muharram (July 24-27) onwards: 6:45 PM
• Shabedari (night) Program on the eve of the 10th of Muharram is scheduled in addition to the regular day program.
• Day of Ashur, July 28th, starting with the Amaal, Salah and Majlis
• Sham Gareeban, the night of loneliness July 28, after Magribain Eve of 11th Muharram.
• Last majlis with Shk Asad Dharsi on the 12th of Muharram, July 30th
Live Al Zahra Broadcast: www.tinyurl.com/azsa-youtube/live
Please sign up in advance to help us in the planning of Majalis.