Imam al-Hasan (a.s.) said in answer to a man who said to him, ‘Verily I am one of your Shi’ah’, ‘O ‘Aabdallah, if you are truly obedient to us in our commands and prohibitions, then you are telling the truth. But if not, then do not add to your sins by falsely claiming such a dignified position that you are not worthy of. Do not say, ‘I am one of your Shi’ah’, but say rather, ‘I am one of your adherents and one of your lovers and an enemy to your enemies.’ You are [doing] good and aiming towards good.’
Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 2, p.106
Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 2, p.106
Our condolences to the Imam of our time on the martyrdom of his grandfather Imam Al- Hassan al- Mujtaba a.s. Al Zahra has arranged Shahadat Majlis as per the following schedule.
Weekly Programs
- Shahadat Imam Al Hasan AS
- Safar 07, 1445AH/Thursday, August 24, 2023
- 6:45 PM With Quran, Salam/Marsiya
- 7:15 PM: Speech by Sheikh Jaffer Jaffer followed by Noha
- 8:27 PM Salah followed with Dua Kumayl and Ziyarat Warith
- 30th of Imam Husain AS
- Safar 10, 1445AH/Sunday, August 27, 2023
- 7:00 PM With Quran, Salam/Marsiya
- 7:15 PM: Speech by Br. Gulamabbas Hussein followed by Noha
- 8:22 PM Salah
Recitation sign up form:
YouTube link:
General Guidelines:
Parking: please leave parking spots close to/beside entrance doors for people with mobility issues, seniors or with little children.
Tabarruk: Please connect with any of the volunteers (including Chair lady Aunty Naheed Shah) if you would like to bring, sponsor tabbaruk/niaz.
Al-Zahra Shia Association, Waterloo Region